Welcome to another Top 5 Wednesday (T5W!). Before I get to the exciting stuff, I want to link the Goodreads group here. This week’s topic is the top 5 books that betrayed me.

5. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins

In particular, Mockingjay was not what I was expecting. Katniss had PTSD and it was hard to keep up with her without it being triggering. In fact, I have  struggled with this series because I find it rather difficult and uncomfortable. It’s also why I like it so much. But, Mockingjay was just so different and heavy.

4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Look, I just feel like Rowling couldn’t decide between the horcruxes and the deathly hallows. Like, what’s the point in introducing this plot line if it was not going to be relevant? Let’s not even discuss the epilogue, which included the worst kid names ever. There’s no need for it.

3. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

I tried reading David Levithan’s books and I know that he’s just not the author for me. But, man, John Green couldn’t pull off this book at all. I hate Tiny Cooper. And, I felt so betrayed by this book because it could have been nuanced, clever, and funny. It’s just forced and awkward.


2. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

As a fan of her Mortal Instruments series, I was obviously aware that these books are also going to rock. They didn’t just rock, they blew me away. I seriously can’t even fathom a world with no Jem, Will, or Tessa. I wasn’t betrayed in a bad way. It was awesome kind of betrayal, because I thought the love triangle was going to go one way and it didn’t.

1. The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray

The pretty covers of this series, the charm of magic and Victorian times, all didn’t prepare me to the awful finale. While I am all for including LGBT+ in stories, but not as a plot twist. Also, this book is huge and I don’t remember anything in this book other than annoyance on my part.


Your Turn:

Have you read any of these books? Did they (un)pleasantly surprise you? Share your top 5 in the comments!

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3 thoughts on “T5W: Books You Felt Betrayed By

    1. Oh no! *Hugs and protects you* I’m sorry. I love Harry Potter, I swear! But, I do think that the Deathly Hallows should have been introduced sooner in the books.

  1. The HP epilogue isn’t my favourite – but it led to the beautiful creature that is Scorpius Malfoy being invented, and therefore, I can’t stay angry at it, lol!

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