For this week’s T5W, we got the awesome topic of listing our top 5 SFF Books on TBR. Basically, T5W is a weekly discussion where we share our top 5. Today, my focus will be on the top science fiction and fantasy novels on my TBR pile.
Because I don’t want to bore you with the same books on my TBR, I decided to try to focus this Top 5 SFF Books on TBR list more on science fiction books on my shelves.
5. American Gods by Neil Gaiman 
Surprise! A Gaiman book on my Top 5 SFF Books on my TBR. I have collected a couple of his most well known stuff, and my goal is to slowly ease into his work. I am intimidated by this one a lot. It’s a possibility for Tome Topple. I don’t know a whole lot about it. I know there’s a show/movie/thing about it coming out soon (My information may be completely inaccurate).
4. Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson
Another crucial element in my Top 5 SFF Books on my TBR is Sanderson’s work. I have heard mixed things about this series by Sanderson, but I am eager to pick up his books. I have gotten some of them used over the past year or so (Jolien, your influence is showing). I think I have most of them now. I want to write fantasy one day. And, in order to do that, I feel like I should learn from the master of it all: Mr. Sanderson himself.
3. Illuminae Files by Aime Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Listen, I don’t read a lot of science fiction. Aware of this, I got the first two books on my birthday last year. I am really excited to read it this year before the final book comes out in the fall. Maybe I’ll ask for the final one on my birthday.
2. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Come on, I am so behind here. I have to read this series, so I can swoon over the cuteness of the characters. All I know is that Cinder is part? cyborg.
1. Gail Carriger books
Yep, I am interested in steampunk fiction, too! I had been gathering the courage to get into her books for years. I have seen interviews with this lady, and I just adore her. She’s so quirky and fun. I look forward to reading her work.
I’m also behind with The Lunar Chronicles, I have Cinder and Winter but want to have them all available for when I start the series. I actually took Illuminae off my TBR list once I saw the format, I don’t think it’s for me. Hopefully you’ll get those two read before you birthday 🙂 Happy Reading